Today was the first frost here at my parents farm in Tennessee.
It is my signal that it's Time for change. After traveling and vacationing for 4 months, I'm ready to get back into my real world mentality.
I had plans to keep everyone updated throughout our adventures in our van across the U.S. but fortunately we were usually out of service. I needed that nudge to unplug. To look around and be fully present. I finally listened to my own advice that I preach often to my classes. I stopped to spend time with my husband, my daughter, my dog and nature.
I took that time to go deep into my feelings and myself; and learn who I want to be. It wasn't always pretty, it wasn't always easy, but it was always freeing. I'm not perfect, and the adventure was exactly the same way. It wasn't always waterfalls and butterflies. Sometimes it was driving endlessly not finding a camping spot, settling for a shot gun shell filled, broken beer bottles and dr. pepper plastic scattered site, and just sleeping so we can get back on the road and keep moving forward.
And yes we did find those magical places that reminded us that some places are still cared for and untouched by insensitive souls. The fresh streams, ferns and moss, bear calls, owl hoots, and magnificent stars would reawaken our dreams.
We loved places we didn't expect and didn't love places that we expected to. Surprisingly we both fell in love and found what we were looking for all along in the least suspected place. Back home.
We loved Colorado until it became too desirable. The idea we had in our heads of Oregon was exactly what I had all along growing up. We want the big outdoors, we want fresh air, moisture, a long growing season, friendly locals. And we don't want to have to fight for it or compromise.
We now are under contract for our dream home in Lenior, North Carolina. The homes location was designated by the Native American couple who had the house built. They camped on the site until the spirits told them where to build. Then the layout followed the astronomical design, correlating to align with the equinoxes, just as Stonehenge is suspected to.
The land is sacred. I know that if we take care of this land it will return the favor. Our dream to be self sufficient can be attained here with enough space to grow food, raise animals, fish, forage and explore.
“If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with.”
― L Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz