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may all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may my thoughts and my actions somehow contribute to that happiness and freedom for all beings

Ahimsa, meaning non-harming is one of the five components (yamas) of the yogic guidelines from the Yoga Sutra. The guidelines are meant to help you reach your state of yoga, your focused concentration in order to perceive more clearly, to be connected with your authentic self, and suffer less as a result.

Ahimsa can be finding kindness with a smile or simple actions, or grander gestures such as vegetarianism. WE are all different and find the truth differently. But of course, Ahimsa is not as simple as a smile or what we eat, it's also controlling your thoughts as well as actions.

"Thoughts manifest into words, words manifest into actions, actions manifest into habit; habit hardens character. So watching the thought and its ways with care, and let it spring from love born out of concern for all beings... As the shadow follows the body, as we think, so we become" Buddha

The concept of non harming and non judgement must start with oneself - whether we are referring to our interactions with other people, our relationships, or our occupation. The Sutras are designed as universal text, must be adapted to the individual.

From this place of cultivating Ahimsa toward yourself, and checking in with yourself without judgement you will better be able to manage any challenges that come your way and respond to others in the world and in your life from a place of understanding. Eventually finding the connection to that quiet inner resource of your own, true, authentic self.


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