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Mula Bandha

The lowest of the four muscular energy restraint centers (bandhas), the root lock is associated with the first Chakra, Muladahara lowest of the energy centers along the spine, a sense of grounding, stabilizing and calming effects. This lock can improve meditation practice by enhancing energy, vitality, concentration and mental clarity.

The Sanskrit word mula refers to the root of a plant or tree. Physically indicating the base of the torso, the perineum, The word bandha has many meanings, translated as “block, check, obstruct, restrain, lock.” In this sense bandha is described as the damming up of a river. But it also translates as “bond, connect, put together, unite, combine, join.”

Engaging mula bandha, toning the pelvic floor, contract the muscles between the pubic bone in the front, the the tailbone in the back, and the sitz bones on either side. As you pull the pelvic floor up, feel the lower deep abdominal muscles engage and pull towards the spine.

Essentially blocking the prana (energy) helping to build core body strength to support asana, enabling you to hold the postures longer, protecting the low back muscles and making the postures safer. Helpful to find stronger inversions, finding full engagement from the core when the spine is straight and long, the distal muschles relax, enabling the body to use less energy to hold the posture

Through the practice of mula bandha the direction of the downward-moving energies located in the root chakra and the upward-moving energies located at the heart chakra are said to be reversed and the energies united. Engaging the inner strength, breathing and keeping the energy moving upward, instead of down and out allows for the control of Prana. This internal union finds the fullest contraction of the Mula Bandha leading to the expansion of awareness, mentally and physically.
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